脳神経外科てきとうjournal club



November 12, 2018 “Effectiveness of a brief behavioural intervention to prevent weight gain over the Christmas holiday period: randomized controlled trial”

“Effectiveness of a brief behavioural intervention to prevent weight gain over the Christmas holiday period: randomized controlled trial” Mason F, et al. BMJ 2018; 363: k4867 【背景】 2015年の統計では世界の約6億の成人が肥満とされ、70カ国以…

August 3, 2017 “Pial Artery Supply as an Anatomic Risk Factor for Ischemic Stroke in the Treatment of Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas”

“Pial Artery Supply as an Anatomic Risk Factor for Ischemic Stroke in the Treatment of Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas” S. W. Hetts, et al. Am J Neuroradiol 38: 2315-20 【背景】 dAVFは頭蓋内動静脈シャント疾患の10-15%を占める。dAV…

March 17, 2009 “Arteriovenous Fistula Arising From the Persistent Primitive Olfactory Artery With Dual Supply From the Bilateral Anterior Ethmoidal Arteries -Case Report-”

“Arteriovenous Fistula Arising From the Persistent Primitive Olfactory Artery With Dual Supply From the Bilateral Anterior Ethmoidal Arteries -Case Report-” Tsutsumi S, et al. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 49, 407-409, 2009 【背景】 Anterior cra…

June 18, 2015 “Normal Pio-dural Arterial Connections”

“Normal Pio-dural Arterial Connections” Bhogal P, et al. Interv Neuroradiol. 2015 Dec; 21(6): 750-758. 【はじめに】 硬膜の血流は内/外頸動脈系から豊富かつ複雑に供給されている。血管内治療においてその解剖の理解は必須であり、硬膜血流への軟膜動…

January 15, 2018 “Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula with Pial Arterial Supply”

“Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula with Pial Arterial Supply” Osada T, et al. Neurosurgery 0: 1-12, 2018 【背景】 硬膜動静脈瘻(dAVF)は硬膜上にある動脈と静脈/静脈洞の異常シャントである。稀に軟膜動脈から血液供給を受けることがあり、静…

January 5, 2018 “Different learning curves between stent retrieval and a direct aspiration first-pass technique for acute ischemic stroke “

“Different learning curves between stent retrieval and a direct aspiration first-pass technique for acute ischemic stroke “ Nishi M, et al. J Neurosurg 129: 1456-1463, 2018 【背景】 機械的血栓回収療法はMR. CLEAN, ESCAPE, SWIFT PRIME, EXTEN…

March 13, 2018 “Smartphone-assisted minimally invasive neurosurgery”

“Smartphone-assisted minimally invasive neurosurgery” Mandel M, et al. J Neurosurg 130: 90-98, 2019 【背景】 近年コンピューター、特にスマートフォンは目覚ましい変化を遂げている。世界的に低侵襲手術を求める傾向となっており、現に高画質内視鏡は…